Always the best solution

Looking for a freight forwarding solution, but missing access to performance and rate data? Compare on the Cargoplot platform.

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Compare best freight forwarding services. Save time, save money.
We get that as an entrepreneur or logistics manager, you want to optimize your operation. Save time and money, while maintaining reliability of your planning. Finding the best solution can be hard, with limited data on quality of rates and service available. Use the Cargoplot platform to find the best solution for any logistics job, while managing the operation in one place.
Share your needs
Fill in the preferred incoterm, routing details and transport mode (air, sea of rail) and we will generate the best forwarding options for you.
Compare and select
Find, compare, and select your forwarder by checking the latest rates & ratings. Our marketplace provides all information needed.
Consider it done
Accept Cargoplots offer and let the platform improve your operation! We help you eliminate manual processes and manage your workflows with all parties involved.